Case Studies

Spot Transaction

Client Challenge

An international company was unable to obtain cost-effective FX payment processing or personalized service from its multi-national bank for routine foreign exchange payments.

GPS Personalized Solution

• Through GPS’s free audit, experts created a mechanism to more effectively execute wire transfers
• GPS formed a dedicated team to transact the company’s foreign exchange payments in a personalized and calculated manner

GPS Results

• Annual savings exceeded $240,000
Personalized service from GPS’s foreign currency exchange experts

Forward EXtra

Client Challenge

A U.S. company was transferring over $1 million weekly to its Mexico manufacturing facility and was exposed to adverse FX currency fluctuations.

GPS Personalized Solution

• GPS implemented a layered hedging strategy that enabled the client to recognize a 4% discount on its average weekly SPOT price
• GPS executed Forward Xtras® to capture the upside of currency fluctuations while eliminating the SPOT rate risk for the client

GPS Results

• Annual savings exceeded $3 million
• Eliminated downside risk created by currency fluctuations

A Growing Company's Complexity and Exposures

Client Challenge

An international company was unable to obtain cost-effective FX payment processing or personalized service from its multi-national bank for routine foreign exchange payments.

GPS Personalized Solution

• Through GPS’s free audit, experts created a mechanism to more effectively execute wire transfers
• GPS formed a dedicated team to transact the company’s foreign exchange payments in a personalized and calculated manner

GPS Results

• Annual savings exceeded $240,000
• Personalized service from GPS’s foreign currency exchange experts