Balance Sheet Hedging


Market volatility causes many companies to experience foreign exchange exposure on their balance sheet. Balance sheet risk—also called transaction accounting risk—is one of the most common types of FX exposure companies face.

GPS’ FX management program prioritizes balance sheet hedging to protect cash, short-term assets, and intercompany loans from unexpected currency rate swings.

Partnering with GPS, clients develop high-level balance sheet hedging strategies to mitigate risk, utilizing our award-winning platform to automate the process.


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GPS has trade desks in the US, London, and Australia providing round-the-clock coverage, with most balance sheet clients using forwards or options. Post-trade and settlement reporting are included. With FXpert and your dedicated account executive, you can:

  • Evaluate current FX exposure.
  • Net the exposure globally.
  • Hedge based on extensive data.

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By utilizing GPS’ exposure visibility tools, international businesses monitor and analyze their FX exposures in a structured and systematic manner, protecting their financial performance from adverse FX movements.

  • Value at Risk (VaR) Analysis: Estimate and quantify the potential losses that a portfolio or position may incur due to adverse currency movements over a specific time.​
  • Sensitivity Analysis: Quantify the effects of changes in exchanges rates on assets, liabilities and equity denominated in foreign currencies.​
  • Earnings at Risk (EaR) Analysis: Assess the potential impact of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on your company’s earnings or profitability.​
  • Global Net Exposure Summary: View your company’s overall exposure to foreign exchange risk across its various business operations and currency positions.

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GPS caters to the Treasury need to reconcile gains and losses from balance sheet hedge programs. FXpert’s reports provide a detailed view of complex balance sheet hedging activity. This data is stored, accessed, and actioned on from a simple interface, allowing you to continually optimize accounting processes. Reports include:

  • Position summary reports: Detailed export of period details to show how net was created
  • Global position change: Changes in GL Code by currency
  • Cross rates file: Download Excel cross rates for a period
  • Exposure timeline details: See your data from a chronological view
  • Pre-trade details: See potential trades to be booked
  • Close summary: Report detailing the settlement of hedges for a hedging period
  • Contract details: See contracts booked within a time span
  • Compare periods: Compare selected periods

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