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Trade Chat: FX Best Practices in a Fluid Market

Time: 9:30 AM – 10:55 AM MST

When volatile periods in the FX market arrive, how can companies protect themselves? Join us for a live webinar hosted by World Trade Center Kentucky on effective hedging strategies with two speakers who have direct experience advising business leaders about FX markets and exposure.

Speaker Jared Van Orden, the VP of Sales and Trading at GPS Capital Markets, has 13 years of experience in the FX field and a master’s in accounting. He helps companies move funds all around the world, execute transactions at favorable rates, and mitigate exposure to business risk. Jonah Hansen has a background in Economics and worked in FX risk analytics for two years. He is now an FX Advisor at GPS focusing on mitigating FX risk and providing exceptional service, personalized attention, and the best FX technology solutions available.