Marketwatch North America

Daily Insights
November 29, 2023

The benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury yield reached a 3-month low today at 4.249% and is currently down 62 basis-points during November. October’s high at 4.992% (a 16-year record) combined with November’s steep decline looks like the beginning formation of a technical reversal. The 20- and 30-year yields have seen similar declines near 60 basis-points. The U.S. Treasury yield curve has flattened significantly during November with yields lower in all tenors.

Fed Funds Futures continue to imply an increasing probability of cuts in the Fed’s overnight rate beginning next year. The chance of a 25-basis point cut at the FOMC’s March meeting is 45% and increases to 75% by September.

The USD is higher today vs. most G10 currencies following the release of 3rd quarter GDP at 5.2%, above the 5.0% estimate. Primary dollar gains vs. the majors hint at a shift to ‘risk off’: +0.55% vs. BRL, +0.48% vs. AUD, +0.44% vs. SEK, +0.43% vs. NOK, and +0.35% vs. MXN.

Gold is -0.08% today after reaching a fresh 6-month high at $2,051.89/oz. earlier in the trading session. Gold’s Oct-Nov gain of 10.33% rivals equity gains over the same time span, i.e. SP500 Index is +6.22%.

Third quarter Personal Consumption reported today was 3.6%, below the 4.0% forecast.

Economic Calendar

CAD - Current Account
USD - Prelim GDP q/q
AUD - CPI y/y
AUD - Construction Work Done q/q
USD - Prelim GDP Price Index q/q
USD - Goods Trade Balance
GBP - BOE Gov Bailey Speaks
NZD - Official Cash Rate
NZD - RBNZ Monetary Policy Statement
NZD - RBNZ Rate Statement
NZD - RBNZ Press Conference
EUR - French Final Private Payrolls q/q
EUR - German Import Prices m/m
EUR - German Prelim CPI m/m
EUR - Spanish Flash CPI y/y
CHF - Credit Suisse Economic Expectations
GBP - M4 Money Supply m/m
GBP - Mortgage Approvals
GBP - Net Lending to Individuals m/m
EUR - Italian 10-y Bond Auction
EUR - German 10-y Bond Auction
USD - Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m
USD - Crude Oil Inventories
USD - Beige Book
NZD - Building Consents m/m
JPY - Prelim Industrial Production m/m
JPY - Retail Sales y/y

Market Indicators

Currency Pairs
Pair High Low
usd/jpy 147.905 146.666
eur/usd 1.1017 1.09651
gbp/usd 1.27329 1.26732
aud/usd 0.66766 0.66096
usd/cad 1.35994 1.35409
eur/gbp 0.86628 0.86453
usd/mxn 17.2278 17.1023
Equities and Commodities
S&P 500 4576.75
NASDAQ 16113.2
DOW 35473
GOLD 2039.75
SILVER 25.04

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